Giving Back
Our business is about more than just making beautiful jewelry. Our work is a labor of love in the truest sense - what a gift it is to be able to make your passion your work and we are reminded of this gift daily!
We believe that as business owners, it is our responsibility to conduct business in the same way we conduct our personal lives. We believe that it is the right choice to handcraft our jewelry by 'our own hands' in the USA using fairly traded artisan materials and recycled and sustainable materials that support local economies. We support individual working artists by collaborating with them for our artwork and we support local shops that carry our products and individuals seeking to increase their income by selling and fundraising with our products. We really do believe we are all in this together!
For us, environmental and social equity is not a marketing strategy but rather a responsibility of conducting business on this planet.
1% for the Planet exists to build and support an alliance of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet. Since 2002, 1% for the Planet has inspired members of the business community to contribute 1% of gross sales to environmental groups around the world. In return, this growing alliance of companies is given the opportunity not only to see their self-worth rise, but their net worth climb as well.
In 2016, we are proud to be giving them an annual contribution.
We also support loans to entrepreneurs around the world through KIVA - we have made over 60 loans through the end of 2015.